Issue #23…
Our Financial Scorecard…
We’re getting closer to economic security for Keith as only six folks have yet to pay for the bus fare to St. Louis and six have yet to send him the cash for the foreign currency.
A Bit Of Medical Trivia
Just in case you want to add this to your font of scientific knowledge… If you go in for an MRI, either take your pants off or take the credit cards out of your pocket. Mine are now toast.
Credit Card Warning…
Fellow-journeyer Bill Curry gave me an article from National Geographic magazine stating that some merchants now tack on an additional 1-3% surcharge if you use your credit card. (The darned Australians started it.) The good news: 1) Ireland is one country that’s passed legislation banning the practice, 2) debit cards usually aren’t subject to this charge, and 3) the practice is predicted to be totally banned by the end of 2009.
More Packing Tips from National Geographic…
Geesh..I remember my high school days when I only looked at National Geographic to see the cool non-outfits on the native women…
According to packing expert Susan Foster:
---PARE DOWN is the by-word. Do not plan to wear the same amount of clothing that you’d use for the same amount of days back home.
---Cross-pack. Put one change of your clothing in another travelers luggage in case your luggage ends up in Afghanistan. (Cool idea…and I’ll leave it up to Dude Wildrick to explain why he has a bra in his luggage.)
---Learn how to ROLL your clothing.
---Group toiletries into a freezer bag and put them in the center of your suitcase, bubble-wrapping if necessary.
---And here’s one from me: avoid taking a camera by buddying up with someone. When you get home, get doubles of their shots.
The Final Meeting
Some of you have inquired about a final group meeting before we take off. Yep, I plan to schedule one very close to our departure date. I’d like to have our tickets and times in hand when we meet again. And as before, for those of you unable to make the meeting, we’ll keep in touch.
Movin’ On…
Congrats again to Wendy, Erich, and Hannah on their upcoming graduation from Triopia. And it was good to see so many of you come out to enjoy their production of Privies & Party Lines, Romance & Rumble Seats. In case you’re interested, the text of the production can be found online at triopia.blogspot.com
Baggin’ It…
I came home one day this week to see the UPS had deposited two very large boxes of travel bags on my doorstep. Not needing 42 more pieces of carry-on luggage, I’ll be meting them out to you. (Okay, you actually own them.) They’re a stylish dark blue, can be used as a tote or a backpack, and come with straps to slip them across your back..(depending upon how low you wear and where God placed your back.) Bottom line: use them if you wish, give them away to a deserving nephew, or do what many folks do: fold them flat into your suitcase and take them with you for those days on tour when you just want to take a few things. I’ve passed a few out, Bill picked up a handful to distribute to local folks, and if I don't get yours to you before our final meeting, I’ll deliver it then or mail it to you.
More Later!...
today, (5-21-08) some airlines began charging $15 for the first carry on bag. (I guess the thing to do is to check in the second one first)
However, this does not apply to international flights or their connecting flights
So...we are clear.
The scary one was when an official with United said he wouldn't be surprised if the airlines eventually charged passengers per pound of their own weight.
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